Select a plan

Save money and avoid annual renewal hassle with multiyear plans.

1 year 1 year
₹3990  / year ₹4350  / year
+ Free LEI certificate
Total ₹3990 ₹4350
3 years 3 years
₹3650  / year ₹3990  / year
+ Free LEI certificate
Total ₹10950 ₹11970
5 years 5 years
₹3380  / year ₹3380  / year
+ Free LEI certificate
Total ₹16900 ₹16900
Documents required for LEI code registration
Entity type and documents needed
GST Certificate · Partnership deed AND Pan · IEC · UDYAM (If partnership deed is provided then UDYAM is mandatory)
Private Limited / Limited / LLP
Certificate of Incorporation · GST Certificate · IEC Certificate (ANY ONE)
GST Certificate & PAN · Trust deed & PAN · NGO Darpan (ANY ONE)
Society / NGO / Foundation / AOP / Academic Institution
GST Certificate & PAN · NGO Darpan Certificate · UDYAM Certificate & Bye Laws
GST Certificate & PAN · RBI license with Board Resolution & PAN
Sole Proprietorship
GST Certificate · IEC · UDYAM (all pages) (ANY ONE)
GST Certificate & PAN · UDYAM Certificate & Member list
Fund / Scheme
DEED & Board Resolution & PAN
Any document proving the company’s name, address and authorized signatory’s name in the online register will suffice.
Please note: Board Resolution (BR) is required if an authorized person wishes to delegate authority to another individual.
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Complete the form

Start typing and let autocomplete fill in the relevant details for you.

Insert the number the legal entity was given when it was registered - that is the number it can be found by in a registry (e.g. Ministry of Corporate Affairs, IEC, GST Portal). If your entity does not have a registration number insert N/A (e.g., a trust or other type of entity that is not registered).
Insert your first and surname (i.e., the name of the physical person making the application). Please note that if you are not a legal representative of the company we will request a letter of authorization signed by one or documents that prove you are authorized.
+ Add another email
+ Add another number

Entity Address

*Note - if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

*Note - if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

For example Certificate of Incorporation, GST REG-06 with annexure B, IEC details. Copy of a PAN card is mandatory for Partnership firms, Trusts, Societies, and HUF.

LEI Register™ LEI: 9845003A5176DAA0E442 Official Registration Agent of Ubisecure Oy (RapidLEI) LEI: 529900T8BM49AURSDO55, Nasdaq CSD SE (Nasdaq LEI) LEI: 485100001PLJJ09NZT59