The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character alphanumeric code for identifying legal entities worldwide. Each LEI code is unique and exclusive: it is assigned to a company once and may not be assigned to any other company.

The LEI code does not replace the national registry code of a company.
  • Non-individual borrowers: Entities with total fund-based and non-fund-based exposure of ₹5 crore and above.
  • Large corporate borrowers: Corporates with a total exposure of ₹50 crore and above from banks, Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs), Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), and All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs).
  • Participants in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives and foreign exchange markets: Entities undertaking transactions in these markets.
  • Entities involved in large-value transactions: Entities engaging in transactions of ₹50 crore and above through the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system.
LEI Register India will usually assign your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code within 24 hours. However, it can take as little as 1-4 hours once we promptly receive the payment and supplementary documents from your company (if required).
Since 3 January 2018, LEIs have been used to report the securities transactions of investment service providers to supervisory authorities to identify customers that are legal entities. These transaction reports identify and investigate market abuse and monitor transactions and investment service providers' activities in securities markets. The format of the report is established by an implementing regulation of the European Commission.
Banks ask for an LEI code to enhance transparency, improve risk management, comply with regulatory requirements, and ensure accurate financial reporting.
Investment service providers mandate that their legal entity clients possess a valid LEI code to meet their reporting requirements. Before carrying out any securities transactions, they confirm the validity of the LEI. If you lack an LEI, registration is necessary. Renewal becomes essential if your LEI expires (enter a lapsed status).
Customers who fail to provide an LEI will encounter difficulties engaging in securities transactions through the investment service provider.
The umbrella association's website, www.gleif.org, provides information about the validity of all LEI codes and related information. You can also check the validity of your LEI code here.
Renewing the LEI code is necessary to keep it valid and compliant with regulations. LEI codes have expiration dates. Renewal ensures the information within the Global LEI database remains accurate and up-to-date.
GLEIF is the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, overseeing the Global LEI System. LOU stands for Local Operating Unit, which refers to entities authorized to issue LEIs. A Registration Agent assists organizations in obtaining LEIs by managing the registration process.
Yes, obtaining and maintaining an LEI involves a fee. The cost varies depending on the provider and the duration for which the LEI is obtained.
The purpose of the LEI system is to provide transparency in financial transactions, so certain details about legal entities, such as their names and registration details, are made publicly available through LEI databases.