Company data
Legal name | 国民银行(中国)有限公司 |
Legal address | 朝阳区光华路5号院2号楼20层2301, 朝阳区, 100020, China |
Registration authority entity ID | 91110000717834117G |
Entity status |
LEI registration details
LEI code | 300300C1204511000045 |
Status |
Next renewal date | 2026-04-09 |
Managing LOU | 北京国家金融标准化研究院有限责任公司 |
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Company data
Legal name | 国民银行(中国)有限公司 |
Entity status |
Other entity names | Kookmin Bank(China) Limited |
Registered at | National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (State Administration for Market Regulation) 全国企业信用信息公示系统 (国家市场监督管理总局) China, China RA000092 |
Registration authority entity ID | 91110000717834117G |
Legal jurisdiction | CN |
Entity category | GENERAL |
Entity legal form code | 企业 (zh) ECAK |
Entity created at | 2012-10-08 |
Validated At | National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (State Administration for Market Regulation) 全国企业信用信息公示系统国家市场监督管理总局 China, China RA000092 |
Validated As | 91110000717834117G |
LEI registration details
LEI code | 300300C1204511000045 |
Status |
Initial registration | 2019-03-27 |
Last update | 2025-03-04 |
Next renewal date | 2026-04-09 |
Managing LOU | 北京国家金融标准化研究院有限责任公司 |
Validation sources | FULLY_CORROBORATED |
Legal address
Legal address | 朝阳区光华路5号院2号楼20层2301 |
Postal code | 100020 |
City | 朝阳区 |
Region code | CN-BJ |
Country | CN | China |
Headquarters address
Headquarters address | 朝阳区光华路5号院2号楼20层2301 |
Postal code | 100020 |
City | 朝阳区 |
Region code | CN-BJ |
Country | CN | China |

LEI: 300300C1204511000045
LEI registration status: ISSUED

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LEI: 300300C1204511000045
LEI registration status: ISSUED

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LEI tag
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