KB RiverRock 유럽 PDF 전문투자형 사모 투자신탁 제1호
Company data
Legal name | KB RiverRock 유럽 PDF 전문투자형 사모 투자신탁 제1호 |
Legal address | 서울특별시 영등포구 국제금융로 10 (여의도동), 40층, Seoul, 07326, Korea |
Registration authority entity ID | 0302300018B2 |
Entity status |
LEI registration details
LEI code | 9884003XN2RNN4XX0L33 |
Status |
Next renewal date | 2022-08-12 |
Managing LOU | 한국예탁결제원 |
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Company data
Legal name | KB RiverRock 유럽 PDF 전문투자형 사모 투자신탁 제1호 |
Entity status |
Other entity names | KB RiverRock Europe PDF Private Asset No.1 |
Registered at | Funds Registration (Korea Securities Depository) 펀드코드 (한국예탁결제원) Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea RA000658 |
Registration authority entity ID | 0302300018B2 |
Legal jurisdiction | KR |
Entity category | FUND |
Entity legal form code | 신탁형 펀드 (kr) UGVB |
Validated At | Financial Services Commission (금융위원회) Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea RA000923 |
Validated As | 0010198C4039 |
LEI registration details
LEI code | 9884003XN2RNN4XX0L33 |
Status |
Initial registration | 2019-07-16 |
Last update | 2023-07-27 |
Next renewal date | 2022-08-12 |
Managing LOU | 한국예탁결제원 |
Validation sources | FULLY_CORROBORATED |
Legal address
Legal address | 서울특별시 영등포구 국제금융로 10 (여의도동), 40층 |
Postal code | 07326 |
City | Seoul |
Region code | KR-11 |
Country | KR | Korea |
Headquarters address
Headquarters address | c/o 케이비자산운용(주), 서울특별시 영등포구 국제금융로 10 (여의도동), 40층 |
Postal code | 07326 |
City | Seoul |
Region code | KR-11 |
Country | KR | Korea |
NATURAL_PERSONS (Direct parent exception reported) NATURAL_PERSONS (Ultimate parent exception reported) |
Direct children
Ultimate children
No direct child data available |
No ultimate child data available |
Fund Manager

KB RiverRock 유럽 PDF 전문투자형 사모 투자신탁 제1호
LEI: 9884003XN2RNN4XX0L33
LEI registration status: LAPSED

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KB RiverRock 유럽 PDF 전문투자형 사모 투자신탁 제1호
LEI: 9884003XN2RNN4XX0L33
LEI registration status: LAPSED

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